Animals hit by cars: what areas and animals you lot need to look out for in Victoria

Kangaroos crossing the road

Nicola Dowse

Posted August 29, 2022

Wildlife Victoria data shows that the number of animals killed or injured by a vehicle has about doubled over the past three years, but the true number is likely to be much higher.

During the 2021-2022 financial year, 9,225 native animals were hit past a vehicle (HBV) on Victorian roads according to data from Wildlife Victoria.

That number represents a steady increase in animals killed or injured by drivers across the state since the 2017-2018 fiscal year, with a total of 35,378 cases reported to the emergency wild fauna response service over that v-year menses.

The true scale of wildlife hit past vehicles is potentially college however, as the figures do non account for animals reported to other regime, or non reported at all.

Lydia Kendray, Director for Driver Grooming Operations at RACV, says the information demonstrates how important information technology is to know what to do should you come beyond wildlife while driving.

"Educated drivers are more than likely to adapt their driving to accommodate the weather and be prepared to make safer decisions in the unfortunate event where they encounter a wildlife situation," Kendray says.

"This noesis can help minimise serious injuries or expiry to route users, as well as reduce the vast number of wild animals injured on our roads every twelvemonth."

This interactive map shows locations of HBV incidents during 21-22 financial twelvemonth. Data source: Wildlife Victoria

Increasing wildlife injuries and deaths

In 2017-2018, Wild animals Victoria reported a full of 6,007 native animals hurt or killed by drivers in Victoria.

That number has grown every twelvemonth since, with the almost contempo 2021-2022 data showing a more 53 per cent increase over five years.

The just twelvemonth where cases dropped was 2019-2020, where five,865 HBV reports were made to Wildlife Victoria, likely due to the onset of COVID-19 and consequent lockdowns leading to fewer drivers on the road.

Animals being hit past vehicles isn't a just a problem for regional and rural drivers either. Information from Wildlife Victoria shows that these incidents happen across the state, including within the suburbs of metropolitan Melbourne.

Explore the interactive map higher up to detect the reported HBV cases in your neighbourhood for the 2021-2022 financial year.

A graph showing the number of animals hit by vehicles on Victorian roads

Striking by vehicle reports to Wildlife Victoria accept increased every year (except 2019/20) since 2017.

The animals well-nigh commonly striking past vehicles in Victoria

Data from the last five years shows that the about common native Australian animals hit by a vehicle on Victorian roads is also 1 of the nation'southward most iconic.

Kangaroos are the most likely brute to be killed or injured by drivers in Victoria by far, with the marsupial representing more than half of the total number of HBV reports every unmarried year.

The almost contempo data shows there were 4,896 HBV reports involving a kangaroo in 2021-2022 alone, thought the worst menses was the 2018-2019 financial year in which kangaroos represented 62.nine per cent of wildlife injured or killed.

Kangaroos are more than active at dawn and dusk (when visibility is typically poorer), and oft cross decorated roads in search of the best grazing country, contributing to why and then many are hit by vehicles.

Grass shut to roads besides tends to be greener and fresher due to water runoff, making it an attractive meal to kangaroos and other grazing animals.

Wallabies are the next most likely animals to exist hit by a vehicle in Victoria (1,997 reports over five years), followed by wombats (one,530 reports).

Australian birdlife is also at loftier hazard of beingness hitting by vehicles, with magpies and cockatoos also amongst the about common HBV reports, in addition to koalas and ringtail possums.

A graph showing the most common animals hit by vehicles on Victorian roads

Kangaroos are the most common species of wildlife hit by vehicles every yr, accounting for more than half of the reports.

How to drive safely around wildlife

Wildlife can appear unexpectedly while driving, but there are ways to ensure you and native animals stay rubber.

Silvia Morris, Senior Instructor for RACV Drive Schoolhouse, says that it'south important to be particularly aware effectually dawn and dusk, and on roads lined with shrubbery that can entice animals.

"The safest selection is to plan your trip to avert driving in these higher risk times," Morris says.

If that's not possible, modify you driving to account for these conditions.

"Reduce your speed to give you greater response time and braking altitude which could help you avoid an animal collision, and actively look alee and to the sides of the road to meet any animals nearby or budgeted."

Loftier beams can be used at dark when visibility is poorer, but only on roads where oncoming traffic is uncommon. Remember to dim your lights if y'all come across a car budgeted.

If you do spot an animal on the route while driving the nigh important affair to remember is not to swerve.

"Swerving tin can crusade yous to lose control of your vehicle and potentially come off the road or hit another vehicle or a tree," she says.

"If an animal has appeared unexpectedly and yous do not have fourth dimension to terminate, brake as hard as yous can and then release the restriction merely earlier touch on to effort and prevent the animal coming over the bonnet."

What to do if you hit an beast while driving

Accidents happen to even the safest drivers. Information technology's of import to know what to do if you hit an animal while driving or see an injured beast on the route.

The RACV advises that drivers should try to move the animate being off the road if safe to practice and then, then phone call Wildlife Victoria on 1300 094 535 for help.

Here'due south more on what to do if y'all hit an animal while driving.